Tor Gjerde has published his .fig templates for generating breadboard layout files. I have used these extensively to give my projects that official Philips EE look that is virtually indistinguishable from the original Philips EE versions. His templates are published on his website: Link Tor Gjerde . These published templates as well as his EE2003 diagrams are in XFig metric size units. He appears to use XFig for creating his diagrams, not WinFig - which I use.

Regarding WinFig (MS-Windows) - XFig (Linux) interoperability of files it appears that the use of the Imperial instead of Metric units has the advantage of giving exactly the same results on printing, whereas in Metric format a correction is needed when WinFig is used. The background is explained by the author of WinFig (Andreas Schmidt) in detail on his FAQ page under the section "Drawings that were created with Xfig using metric units (cm) are slightly smaller in WinFIG". As a conclusion he states: "You can avoid all that trouble by using imperial units only". 

Therefore, here follow the links to the Imperial versions of Tor Gjerde's template files (which he does not publish in the mentioned link but which I received from him):

In addition to these, I derived two extra templates:

Note that the print output for the last option does not fit the standard A4 size anymore. Therefore the paper size for PDF export has to be set to "None" (Available in WinFig 2021.1 and later), WinFig will then produce the print in a PDF that has minimal white margins. This file can then be printed on two A4 papers effectively by using Adobe Acrobat in Poster mode.

All my layout diagrams for my projects are derived from these templates and therefore are in Imperial units as well. In this way it doesn't matter whether they are processed in XFig or WinFig, the result will always be accurate in size.